Diagnostic Reports

Including healing guidance and infusion.


    Talk live to access information from your inner guidance, soul level, Spirit, and energy system in support of your greatest good.


    One and Three question reports. Channelled advice providing insight, guidance, and subtle planes clarification. Express readings available.

















Personal readings to help you to organise, clarify, heal, and decide.

Specific and general questions are welcome. Inviting a wider life path view, release points, and positive potentials.

Uncomfortable states can be well smoothed, and the gap between problem and solution bridged.

Guidance from the subtle fields to uncover hidden information, harmonise, purify, integrate and grow.

Written reports and live consultation

Ask any question.

You can order a 1 or 3 question channelled reports.

1 question readings come back as 3-5 page reports, 3 question readings are normally answered in 7-10 pages.

Express email readings are returned within 24 hours of booking.

Personal Consultation is offered for 60 and 90 minute appointments.

Channelled Readings by Special Request


    Support your evolutionary intentions. Information channelled from the most progressive level and potential of your identity. These readings can provide answers to the questions that require a wider view of your life path. Past, present, and future. A channelled report from your soul level. Mending, grounding, and informative.


    A channelled report to heal, soothe, and rejuvenate. Creative blocks, nurture blocks, birthing blocks and pains can come up here. Repair the communication with your own body and begin a cooperative healing process. The womb is a crucible of creative life force. It supports us to conceive a child, conceive ideas, or to become pregnant with life in the fullest possible way.


    Healing readings. We can look at inner child work (talents and healings), dream analysis, subconscious blocks,unhealed wounds or repeating patterns. Suppressed or forgotten needs of the inner child are well treated here. Constructive guidance and support for your healing journey.


    A channelled harmonisation and solutions reading to restore balance and peace to a problem, stress, or pendulum situation. An assessment of the components and causes of the imbalance or problem is provided, with sequence, practice, insight to help you heal and move through. This reading can provide insight, power, and relief from the root causes, offering the “divine point” to open solution pathways.


    Intuition is natural and innate. It is the voice of spiritual guidance. Although intuition is natural, it’s signal is blocked and confused in many. This channelled reading can help to resolve and clarify and intuition blocks, and help you to activate or refine your intuitive ability.


    Masculine, Feminine, and Androgen energies exist as a tri-fold energy relationship within each being. The ideal ratio of these energies is unique to each individual.

    A channelled report to heal, soothe, and strengthen the damaged, strained, and lost parts of your natural masculine, feminine, androgen energy and consciousness.


    The endocrine organs and system channel subtle energy bringing it into the physical level and conscious awareness.

    The balance and relationship between the different levels of endocrine organ and their corresponding level of energy and consciousness integration are assessed.

    Personal, ancestral, and incarnational history as well as the energy system structure are considered in this energetic wellness evaluation of the endocrine system, with a view to restore inner balance.


    Diagnostic readings of your energy system. Suggestions and guidance provided for healing the system are included. Any block, interference, cords, or possible damage and incompletions are assessed. The reading itself is a healing rinse through. A detailed assessment of your energy system’s centres, fields. Balance, heal, and clear.

Book your reading.

You can order a 1 or 3 question reading.

1 question readings come back as 3-5 page reports, 3 question readings are normally answered in 7-10 pages.

Express email readings are returned within 24 hours of booking.

Personal Consultation is offered for 60 and 90 minute appointments.



  • Channelling is a process of gathering and translating information from the subtle planes. It is a receptive extra-sensory process. I receive and interpret energy patterns through extra-sensory channels according to your specific question, for the purpose of answering this only. I love to channel information because the process activates love. These benefits are provided to you through the reading and channeling process,

  • All subtle energy is information, and this information can be received and decoded. The process is a bit like reading brail, however the information is received through all extra-sensory channels not only ‘touch’/clairsentience. All information within the hologram can be channelled when the channeller is receptive to it and can access the frequency of that information. When you ask a question, I connect to the systems relevant to your question and channel the information with positive intention for your greatest good. The process is guided by Spirit, and I am taken to the appropriate locations for the best information. This means that I connect with my heart, and Spirit in order to create the settings and filters for the channelling work, and proceed only with the intention of collective good.

    I am not an allocated channel for an extra-terrestrial or extra-dimensional group.

    Soul channellings for example are communications with the soul of the querent. The answers to questions about ancestry are received through the ancestral line (like a holographic information chain containing the record of your ancestors). Information within your psyche may come through, as well as the information in your subtle fields, various presences, affiliations, or relevant timelines.

  • Please feel free to ask any question you like. Specific and broad ones are all welcome. Please note that I do not provide mediumship services.

  • Children are well connected with their spiritual centres, and tend to process life with more correspondence to the soul perspective. Please note that is a reading for adults to access their inner child.

    A channelling of the inner child can rekindle the spark, and help you reconnect with your natural ways and creative desires. Challenges of cPTSD can arise and are gently addressed in these readings, however it is not recommended to heal from developmental trauma only with channelled reports.

  • A repeating pattern or problem in life is often a sign of a subconscious block. Assistance and insight to dissolve professional blocks, creative blocks, writer’s block, intimacy blocks, relationship blocks and all other blocks, patterns, or stuck points.

    A subconscious block reading includes a report of the components of your subconscious block and guidance for clearing and resolving the block. The reading itself also provides a clearing infusion and helps to dislodge blocked energy.

    Understanding these patterns is often enough to dismantle them. A follow up personal consultation is offered to clear and heal and remaining sticking points.

  • The DNA is an unbroken chain of information. Its program is carried into each new birth. Every body carries the progression of the ancestral lineage. The patterns, strengths and weaknesses of our ancestors carry through. Birth curses can be addressed here as they are inherited from the family line, as well as karmic knots between family members. Vocational desires, talents, longings, and incompletions.

  • Your present identity carries an imprint of past lives. This imprint (energy pattern) can be accessed and decoded through your individuated template.

    Different phases of life will activate or surface the corresponding past life energies.

    Becoming aware of these radiations can help to bring closure. Alternatively it can provide access to experiences, qualities and knowledge to be integrated into the current perspective.