Are you an Empath? How Childhood Wounds Block Intuition (Heal your Intuition Emotionally FIRST)

Let's have a chat about healing… I am a psychotherapist and an energy healer, and I help people to get back in touch with their natural consciousness. This means trusting yourself, your inner voice, feeling strong and self-directed. A huge part of living a fulfilled life, is taking some risks so that you can grow - This REQUIRES some form of SELF TRUST (even if mistakes are an option).

Many empaths have a terrible time trusting themselves. Now only are they painfully aware of other people's reality, they struggle to experience their inner life without the experiences of other people blended in. The people around them, their peers, family, teachers, and the surrounding people who are part of daily life… don't always agree even partially with your experience of reality, even though you can feel theirs sometimes too much.

This can be very confusing, especially for a child who doesn't understand that they are simply registering more information. If you are born extra-sensory and you don't know that you are born extra-sensory… naturally assume that everyone else is. And so when your experience of reality gets ridiculed or it's not validated, it can start to get really confusing, and you can start to doubt your own ability to judge reality, guage reality, and really trust yourself….

An automatic self-doubt starts to bleed in and becomes a way of life, instead of the natural and secure automatic self-trust, which is what we're after.

So what happens when you feel the truth of something…..somebody else is telling you it's wrong? And what about allowing for individual experience of reality, of subjectivity in general? We need to work out our personal context first. We need to understand ourselves and how we experience reality first. Healing intuition calls for healing your self-image.

Maybe you can imagine a 4 year old child - growing out of the dependence of infancy and into the exploratory phase of life. Everything is new, and every experience can create deep and lasting impressions. Mom or dad or brother, sister, teacher are telling you, “no, I’m not angry” and you can feel the anger but are being told otherwise by trusted people.

If you don’t recognize the ‘lie’ it becomes destabilizing to your inner sense of self - because you're feeling a truth and you're being told a lie. This is impossible to reconcile without … well, changing yourself. So Often what happens when a human being is faced with an incongruency like this, is that we will split our consciousness. We will fragment in order to deal with the truth and simultaneous lie. If we disconnect from the truth, we disconnect from self but maintain connection to whomever told this lie. Not a small dilemma for a 3 year old child! When these dilemmas are healed, intuition heals.

This split makes it very difficult to trust your own judgment, because subconsciously, you know that there's a part of you that's in conflict. So some of us are aware that we've split and that there's a truth hidden in the background and a lie that we've accepted.

In Stockholm syndrome, somebody starts developing a perceived sense of a positive bond with someone who's actually their capture or their abuser. In order to survive, that person is splitting. So they're dissociating from the part of themselves that understands that this is a dangerous situation or an abusive person, and they're connecting or associating only with the part that recognizes, or imagining that this person is caring for them.

When somebody is telling us a lie and it's unsafe or disturbing or destabilizing to believe our truth instead of their lie, we'll go for the lie. This is how loads of self-doubt can sink in, and we can get into the habit of distrusting our own inner voice because we've been taught or conditioned or taken in this structure where we start to convert other people's lies into our truth or simply because we decided to trust other people more than our inner life experience. This leads to deep self-misunderstanding and consequent misdirected choices.

To heal intuition, you need to heal your inner voice - it should be reclaimed from the negative or repressive, or conflictual, or inaccurate! messages of those who cared for you when you were little. All of this can be undone, sometimes more easily than expected - you can progressively come into greater alignment with your natural inner guidance.

spiritual therapist trauma and spirituality

Healing the Inner Child - The Healing Journey of Developmental Trauma


The Purpose of Pain (The Spiritual Therapist Explains; Turn Pain into Strength)