Heal Developmental Trauma Naturally.

Trauma Informed Psychotherapy & Trauma Release Healing


Calling back your energy, power & joy.

Heal developmental trauma emotionally, mentally, somatically, and ancestrally.

Developmental Trauma Healing

  • Somatic Healing

    Restore balance in the nervous system. Release the trapped instinctive responses and trauma energy from the body.

  • Emotional Healing

    Clear the emotional slate and feel safe again. Heal the emotional pain, and negative emotional blocks of developmental trauma.

  • Healing the Mind

    Bring peace, balance, and wisdom to your mind. Negative blocks, negative beliefs, negative judgements healing.

  • Energy Healing

    Trauma energy release. Clear your personal energy from traumatizing events and the energy of past aggressors.

  • Ancestral Healing

    Heal the ancient wounds of intergenerational trauma.
    Ancestral trauma patterns are released and healed from up to 7 generations past.

Developmental Trauma Healing Tools

  • Trauma Energy Release

    Somatic Healing & Energy Psychology to help you complete the trauma cycle. Heal the trauma picture and trauma-system from your whole being. Release the trapped instinctive, emotional, mental, and ancestral energies of trauma and restore the safety and innocence within.

    developmental trauma healing
  • Regression Healing

    Re-write the past and re-wire the present. Developmental trauma is healed progressively through inner journey work. Non-hypnotic regression therapy to heal the wounded inner child, and ancestral trauma. Recover and heal the fragments of your consciousness from past traumatic events.

    developmental trauma healing
  • Psychotherapy

    Presence and focus to help see you through your individual trauma healing process. Therapeutic process, insight, tools, and information to heal from developmental trauma. Integration focus, to help you recover your natural strength, confidence, and special gifts.

    developmental trauma healing

Whole Self Restoration.

  • Emotional Identity

    Developmental trauma can make emotions feel like an internal enemy. As a result emotions are pushed away, denied, and ignored. This confuses personal identity, because emotions communicate important information about boundaries, desires, and safety. Reclaiming emotional identity empowers healing.

  • Self-Realisation

    Developmental trauma blocks natural growth, because personal energy is drawn towards surviving and coping. As you heal developmental trauma, you will release the survival states and discover previously lost aspects of your identity, or find new energy to align with your authentic desires.

  • Power

    As developmental trauma heals, feelings of powerlessness, helplessness, and unworthiness continue to resolve. In so being, knowing and going for what is wanted becomes more and more possible.

  • Boundaries

    Boundaries can become distorted through developmental trauma, because care was not given in attunement to your needs, emotions, and developing identity. Healing boundaries enables you to generate true self-care, and feel support that comes from within.

  • Practical Tools

    Be in control of your healing journey. Through ongoing support, discover how you can heal emotionally, apply emotional healing tools to your daily life, and learn self-regulation skills in session to continue to heal your nervous system.

  • Alignment

    Fulfillment without the fight. Developmental trauma creates blocks to accessing and supporting your deep personal wishes. Outgrow the unhealthy and frustrating patterns holding you back, and feel genuinely free through developmental trauma healing.

  • Innocence

    Energy psychology methods to assist you in the reclamation of innocence and energy, that previously felt completely lost to the past. Grieving is often an important part of developmental trauma healing, however inner qualities can be healed and restored.

  • Resources

    Natural gifts and resources can become suppressed through developmental trauma. Developmental trauma healing helps you to uncover and reclaim suppressed potentials and strengths. For example feelings of safety, joy, enthusiasm - states of wisdom, calm, and power, and inherent creativity and freedom of thought.

  • Safety

    Developmental trauma is a memory-system of distress, that can include feelings of helplessness, powerlessness, and fear. These memories are recording in the brain and body, and lead to feeling unsafe long after the trauma events are over. Healing developmental trauma clears the energy of trauma from the brain and body, restoring inner safety.


Complete the cycles of developmental trauma.

Heal the pain of your inner child. Reclaim suppressed gifts & resources. Transform emotional pain. Release trauma energy.

Heal Developmental Trauma

Release the trapped energy of emotion.

Gentle and transformative approach for developmental trauma healing.

Emotional pain is a core component of developmental trauma. The release and healing of emotional pain is facilitated through psychotherapy and energy psychology methods. With trauma treatment sessions for developmental trauma healing, you will experience relief from negative emotions, and experience new internal resources that were previously blocked by the trauma.

Recognizing Developmental Trauma.

Developmental Trauma can manifest as symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Developmental Trauma freezes the part of our consciousness into a traumatized state.

  1. The emotions, sensations, thoughts, beliefs, and wounding of that moment are recorded and stored as a trauma picture inside of the physical body.

  2. The trauma picture guides future decisions, states, self-image, and world-image.

  3. We form relationships, make life decisions, and favour activities that are driven by the unhealed wounds rather than our authentic nature.

  4. Feeling self-blame, guilt, low self-esteem, fear, aggression, loneliness, powerless, scared, abandoned, disoriented, oppressed, suppressed can all be signs of frozen trauma energy and emotional injuries of developmental trauma.

Depression, Anxiety, and Developmental Trauma

The American Psychological Association (APA), which authors the Diagnostics and Statistical Manual (DSM-5 -TR) used by psychiatrists to diagnose mental health disorders, does not recognise complex-PTSD or developmental trauma. Therefore, complex trauma and developmental trauma  may be diagnosed as depression or anxiety instead, leading to superficial or ineffective treatment. The ICD recognizes complex-PTSD here.

Developmental Trauma Healing

  • The Biology of Developmental Trauma

    When a situation threatens safety, the body automatically activates the survival instincts. This is a biological response, designed to keep you safe in the face of danger.

    After the situation passes, if the emotional distress is not healed, the instinctive responses continue to communicate a message of danger to the body and mind.

    People living with developmental trauma may experience heightened awareness of  their environment, increased feelings of stress, difficulty sleeping, uncomfortable levels fear or aggression, and increased concern about survival and safety. These are biological signs of developmental trauma.

    Somatic therapy for developmental trauma healing helps to release the physical symptoms of developmental trauma from the bod.y.

  • developmental trauma healing

    The Emotions of Developmental Trauma

    The emotional pain of developmental trauma can be the most challenging aspect of developmental trauma healing. Although the symptoms of c-PTSD and blocks that developmental trauma can present in life - the negative emotion can feel the most daunting and impossible to heal. This is because of the lack of support and tools to heal emotionally at the time of developmental trauma creation.

    Numbness, dissociation, being too active or not active enough are signs of emotional overload. Feelings of powerlessness, helplessness, guilt, abandonment, blame, and unworthiness are some of the most common emotions of developmental trauma. Emotional healing and emotional safety are core features of developmental trauma healing.

    With the right tools and support, working directly with the energy of emotion helps you to recover safety and power within your own being.

  • The Mind of Developmental Trauma

    Developmental trauma in the mind is experienced as a negative focus or judgement that is hard to shift. This is due to the fact that the mind is receiving instructions from old trauma pictures to seek out danger.

    Negative experiences may have programmed a negative self-image, and a negative view of the world, or others. The mind is primed and ready to keep you safe, and therefore struggles to recognize joy, opportunity, and positive connections.

    In dangerous situations, survival becomes an automatic priority, and the mind keys itself to identify danger. This information is recorded by the hippocampus and amygdala, which increases negative assessments and emotion, long after the danger has passed. The mind can heal when the old trauma picture is cleared.

Heal Developmental Trauma Naturally

What is Developmental Trauma?

Developmental trauma is an unhealed emotional injury. Developmental trauma becomes frozen energy, and blocked personal potential.

An event becomes a trauma, when the level of emotional distress experienced at the time is greater than the resources of the person at the time. The experience therefore cannot be processed, and it recorded in body and memory as a trauma.

Physical time continues, and the body grows, but the emotional energy of the event remain in the state of its making.

The energy of a traumatizing event floods and overloads the body, the mind, and the emotional identity. A part of the consciousness becomes frozen in the trauma state, holding with it the beliefs, perspectives, emotions, instincts, and decisions of the traumatizing moment. This is what I call the “trauma picture.” Multiple unhealed trauma pictures come to be complex-PTSD.

The trauma picture lays a foundation for future developmental trauma, where the ability to heal is undermined by the pre-existing trauma living inside the body and mind. These feelings are filters of the unhealed trauma picture.

Developmental Trauma Healing

Psychodynamic psychotherapy, Parts Work, Attachment Informed.

Inner Child Healing

Non-Hypnotic Regression Healing & Psychotherapeutic inner journey.

Energy Psychology & Somatic Healing

Healing Developmental Trauma:

It is common to forget the experiences that wounded us. However, the emotional energy, instinctive responses, and trauma-mind pattern of the wounding moment continues to exist within, having an impact long after the event has passed.

Developmental trauma can have a continuous effect, while in other cases the memory remains dormant until much later in life when circumstances re-activate the old trauma, resurfacing it to be healed.

Triggers and Developmental Trauma

Triggers are helpful portals for developmental trauma healing. Triggers indicate points of distress that are immediately available for resolution through trauma release therapy.

The process of remembering, is the reactivation of previously experienced and neurologically encoded energies. When we remember, we are recalling a stored energy pattern. The brain will recreate the pattern of electrical impulses, and we will see the images, hear the sounds, recall the thoughts, feel the sensations, and have the emotional experience of the triggered memory in a fragmented form.  When a memory was traumatic, the different components of the memory may have been stored separately from each other, causing a disorganized recollection of distressing events. As the nervous system re-activates incompletely processed components of distressing memory, a trigger is experienced. When a present circumstance is similar to a traumatic memory, the trauma-memory fragment is reactivated, most often being experienced as emotional distress without a clear present cause. Triggers can also include images, sounds, and sensations.

Topics of Healing Developmental Trauma

  1. The emotions of helplessness, powerlessness, abandonment, loneliness, shame, and fear are common to developmental trauma healing.

 2. Developmental trauma is often a relational injury, making it challenging to form new relationships. We can for example become avoidant of connection, fear being controlled, have poor personal boundaries, not feel a personal identity, or become controlling in relationship with others

 3. The nervous system and brain are changed by the exposure to chronic stressors which form into developmental trauma, making it more difficult to concentrate, process information, and regulate emotions in the face of future stressors and challenges.

3. A negative self-image where self-esteem, self-doubt, self-expression, are continuous points of concern in daily life, and are experienced as being major blocks to successfully attaining what one wants.

4. When stressful circumstances arise, the situation may automatically feel overwhelming and raise feelings of fear and/or anger.

5. Emotional Identity can be very rigid or too flexible. The internal sense of authentic self is unclear and/or disowned, giving rise to a need to nurture the emotional and creative life within.

Inner child work, psychotherapy, somatic therapy, energy psychology, and regression healing progressively and wholesomely facilitate healing from developmental trauma. The trauma energy and instinctive responses can be released, the emotional pain resolved, and the survival mind relieved. In the process of developmental trauma healing, valuable parts of self are reclaimed and inherent power and peace are recovered.

Recovering the Whole Self.

Fear, anger, doubt, unworthiness are often resonating states of unhealed developmental trauma. Because developmental trauma can go unnoticed, these states are commonly confused for the true self. However, these painful states are not the whole self or the central self - but are rather wounded parts expressing themselves to be healed. We often mask over these parts and feelings, feeling ashamed or hindered by their existence, however this adaptation cuts you short. By consciously seeking out these wounded aspects with the intention to heal, painful states can be resolved - making space for authentic self expression and freedom to choose.

Growth Focus

Resource Reclamation

Integration Oriented

Attachment Informed