3 Psychic Wounds that Block You
The frustration level…. when you're trying to make progress and no matter how much energy or effort you put into it, you can't break through… can't make the shift.
There are some very good reasons for why that could be happening, besides effort. These are the more mysterious reasons that originate from the inner shadow.
The inner world, as you know….is going to somehow direct your actions, feelings, and results - whether you are conscious of it or not.
So if you are feeling stuck, try not to go into this mode of power struggle with external circumstances…try to figure out what's going on inside - and you will bring the situation right back into your control.
Feeling Stuck? Spiritual Therapist Reason #1
You have an inner conflict.
You've got one or two or three or maybe even more parts that are in conflict, there are
odds with each other about this goal that you've set for yourself.
So some of these parts might actually not be in agreement with your intentions and those parts will have their own intentions for why they exist.
So everybody's got these sub personalities and some of these sub personalities are archetypal, they're archetypes that all of humanity has within them and other of these parts are split offs.
They're like little dissociated aspects that were created through a mostly childhood through events that were really traumatic or overwhelming and so you've got these little sub personalities that have disintegrated from your greater whole.
These parts are now in states that are not in complete alignment with your current present day intentions. So for example, let's say you would like to be an artist, you feel your soul calling you forward to paint and somehow you can't manage to get the supplies together. If you do, you can't make yourself sit down to paint.
It feels like a chore and when you do sit down, you feel blocked or inauthentic. So it's possible that you have inner conflicts between fragmented parts.
For example, There could be another part of you like a split off that's trying to protect you from being seen because it remembers in your childhood when you expressed yourself and you stepped out into the stage, you got paint, you got emotional paint, you got rejection or abandonment or criticism or judgment…..
That hurts so much that this part developed a strategy of, well, I'm just going to hide and be very small. This is a common example of an inner conflict where you've got one aspect of you that's got a good intention to protect you from being seen and the current present day you that has an intention to actually be seen to express your art.
You are going to feel a lot of push and pull, and experience a lot of stop and start.
And it's not going to be a slow process because you've got this other aspect of you drawing you back and creating what seemed like self sabotaging patterns.
It is very important to investigate - what are these parts, why have they been created - what is there greater purpose. Change the conversation - from a fight within, to an exploration. Right away you are going to feel relief and make more progress towards your goals with the part knowing that you are together on this now.
Feeling Stuck? Spiritual Therapist Reason #2
Stuck emotion or an emotional wound.
This means, that the stuck pattern that you're living is actually a reenactment of an unhealed past experience.
So this is also based in an intention to heal, lining up with people or circumstances that are mirroring, that are expressing the same dynamics and the same structure, scenarios
and feelings within you from an unhealed wound from your past. So try to notice if what you're experiencing here and now, these patterns of your stuck in us are mirroring to you or feel similar to any situation that you experienced in your past. If you do find something and it seems to be very recent, go from that one like a lily pad and see if there's something even before that. Stop when you feel comfortable that you found the root cause or that you don't want to go any further.
Do not push yourself. Investigate, and carve out a more clear understanding.
Feeling Stuck? Spiritual Therapist Reason #3
Another reason that you could be feeling stuck, is because of an emotional addiction.
For example, it feels good for you to isolate and withdraw and connect to yourself.
And that could be giving you comfort where your resource for comfort has been suppressed through an emotional wound.
So rather than moving forward on something, you start to make steps towards your goal.
You notice that you don't feel the internal security that you need in order to continue
moving forward on your goal. As a result you might withdraw and you do the things that you normally do like hibernating or eating ots of carbs, for example, or binge watching a TV series, whatever it is, something that gives you comfort.
So you're using certain strategies that elicit the feeling of comfort within you, but they don't actually move you forward in your goal.
When you move towards your goal, because you're lacking that feeling of comfort, you feel like you don't have the right fuel, you don't have the strong enough foundation to move forward.
This insecurity pulls you back into these patterns of seeking some kind of comfort that actually does provide the resource that you need, but it doesn't move you towards your goal. So if that's the case, one of the many ways to heal….is to work out and resolve the resource block. This will give you the emotional fuel that you need to move forward without friction.
Feeling Stuck? Spiritual Therapist Advice
If things aren't clicking for you, it's not because anything's gone wrong or that you’ve failed. The deeper reasons are not healed with force alone. Insight goes a long way - and so do the right tools.
Something needs a tune up.
Rather than trying to force through and break through and use a lot of energy to pull against these anchors….you turn inward and ask yourself, what is actually holding me back?
You will find the deeper reasons that keep you planted somewhere you want to grow out of, to create that which you genuinely want for yourself.