Healing Self-Doubt the Spiritual Therapist Way🪷

How to Heal Self-Doubt...not always an easy path, and the earlier in the process you are to healing self-doubt - the more challenging it can be - for lack of experience and internal resources to trust your own guidance and judgement. But there is hope and great potential for you to achieve the sometimes impossible feeling of relying on your inner voice. These three tips can see you through some confusion.

Let's unpack self-doubt a little and get that whole experience a little bit more woven together, because self-doubt can be very destabilizing and upsetting, especially when you're trying to get traction on your life and doubt is constantly interrupting you or you just want to feel your natural essence. You real-inspired self and doubt keeps cropping up and disturbing that connection doubt which is both an emotional and an intellectual experience.

So you feel the energy of doubt and you also hear the voice of doubt, right? You've got a feeling sense that lets you know that you're a doubt and also a certain pattern of thinking that goes along with that energy of doubt and it's the emotion will charge the energy that happens first and the thought process that follows suit and very often we're going into that thought process because the energy has activated and we want to resolve it.

In the case we are trying to use logic and reason to clean away and organize that energy of doubt but what ends up happening is that doubt energy is filtering up through your system and your mind is also getting that energy. It's also being poisoned by doubt and therefore all the thoughts that follow will also be on that same frequency, they'll be in the bucket of doubt that align with that energy.

It’s often a better strategy to work directly with the energy of doubt rather than trying to reason your way out of it. Unless you've got a very structured solid mind that is very difficult to influence and you really trust and believe in your own logic steadfastly if you can anchor yourself out of doubt then by all means are to work with the energy in my opinion then going for the intellectual aspect of it because that's a side effect. It's a result of the energy of doubt. Working with the energy of doubt means going into your body, going within and sensing where am I feeling doubt? Like how do I know that it's doubt? Where in my body does it reside?

Working with Negative Emotion Energetically

And what's the quality of the sensation of that doubt, of that energy? Is it like a heaviness?

Is it a sinking? Is it an empty feeling? Is it a stinking? And give presence to that. So by turning your awareness and your cortical brain towards the sensation you're already starting to process it.

You've given it a label and you which is doubt and you've started to understand it somatically through your body, through the sensation and that also helps you to understand and process and digest and metabolize that energy. It’s not an intellectual process. You're not using your mind here but you are using your presence. You are using your awareness. It's very different field of awareness than the mind and the intellect.

Parts Work to Heal Negative Emotion

The next thing to know about doubt and something you might discover through your inner journey is that doubt often represents an internal split. Two parts that are in conflict, sometimes three, that contradict one another on the surface. They seem to have opposing intentions. So you've got one part of you that wants safety and the other part of you that wants a variety or excitement. And so when you're presented with an option you're going to go into doubt that these two conflicting aspects can't get on the same page.

You won't know what to do. You might feel uncertain. You might feel like you're in a deadlock and it's impossible to choose. And that is because there is a somewhat equal weight pulling you in two different directions. So something that can help you to resolve that is parts work. So if you get into the doubt and you figure out, okay, there's one part of me that has this intention or great purpose for me and this other aspect opposing it has this intention and this purpose for me.

If you whittle it down, you'll find eventually that these two parts actually have different strategies with the same intention. For example, in this case it could be security. When you don't trust your own inner voice that can also create doubt. And it is a kind of internal splitting, but it's not the kind of splitting that we just discussed with two fragmented parts of the psyche. It's a splitting between your ego personality, your time space personality and your soul's intentions.

When you have this kind of split, you get the same tearing feeling, but it's more of a hollow emptiness where your soul has an inspired intention for you. There's a potential that it wants you to evolve and then there's some programming or conditioning or belief structure in your 3D personality that conflicts and shuts down the desire of your soul. And when you get that shut down, it's like the channel is being closed and you can't lock in, right? So that higher awareness doesn't have a root anymore to to downstep into your physical life on because your 3D personality that's running the show down here has closed off that channel. And so that can create a lot of destabilizing feelings. It's like having the floor or the rug pulled up from under you because you're destabilizing the intentions of your higher and deeper knowing. It’s that gap that starts generating the feeling of doubt and the feeling of being lost.

Healing Emotional Blocks with Inner Child Work, Spiritual Therapy Approach

So some of these lost and doubt feelings and energies are actually emotional blocks that are if you trace them back or are rooted in childhood. So there's an unhealed aspect within you, a childhood experience that's saturated or coded with the energy of doubt and the energy of feeling lost.

This will echo out, until you're here and now along with the programming of your soul's inspiration coming forward and then something in your environment shutting it down and closing it off. The resulting feeling of doubt and feeling lost, that's a system that was structured in during childhood. If it's still unhealed, it'll activate in your here and now also. Sometimes it'll activate in the same dynamic, in the same situation in which it was created. So if you've got an experience of your soul calling you towards going out into nature and frolicking in the garden or hugging a tree or interacting with elemental spirits or just wanting to be in the breeze and enjoying that and feeling the depth and the meaning of this experience. And then let's say the babysitter, whoever was caring for you at the time, decided that you were having a loopy moment and it was completely invalid what you were after and they shut it down in a way that was very aggressive or maybe humiliating or maybe punishing.

That's going to get printed into your nervous system and into your memory and into your emotional memory. And so that system is going to activate again under the similar circumstances. The trigger in this case with the stimulus could be you feel again inspired to go towards nature.

But that old programming of you being humiliated as a result of following through on that desire will turn on. And so because of the intensity of that experience and your desire to avoid that pain recurring, you will automatically and subconsciously shut down the stimulus which is your inspiration to go and connect to the natural environment. So that whole process can result in doubt and feeling lost and also trigger the other emotions that were active within you at the moment that that experience was seated. So that needs to be revisited and uncreated and healed and resolved. And that will bring you into greater integrity with your inner being and start to resolve those feelings of doubt that are activated when you when you feel the inspiration coming from within.

With Love & Care 🪷

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