Healing your Intuition
What is Intuition
A human being is an individuated expression of the Greater Whole, Universe, Absolute etc. As such, a human being is a system of expansion and evolution of Life, consisting primarily of the Monad, the Soul, and its Absolute Source (also supported by other systems for example elemental spirits), and operating through a field of awareness. Intuition is communication from this system.
What is Intuition for?
The intuition transfers information via awareness, about the best choices we can make in life for our soul's health and growth, and move us in the direction of experiences that will result in states of harmony, positive creativity, joy, well being, trust, and healthy co-creation in the reality field.
Recognising your Intuition
Intuition is received through the field of awareness, rather than the mental or emotional fields, which are part of the system of consciousness and ego personality. Intuition does not feel like emotional energy or thought energy, there is no emotional reaction to current events or memories as in emotions, or rational processes as in thought energy included with pure intuitive information. When intuitive information is arriving, often spontaneously once the channel is well connected, it feels like instantaneous knowing, strong feeling or knowledge that has no emotional charge or polarity, and is absent of any preceding rationalisations.
Psychic Information vs Intuitive information
Intuitive information is information signal from your inner being. Psychic information is information received from the external world via extra-sensory ability.
Intuition vs Ego
The ego is a programmable system of consciousness which houses the temporal personality. The ego system spans and comprises of the lower emotional body and lower mental body, and references some primitive states of survival. The lower emotional body corresponds with our emotional reactions to life experiences. The lower mental body is a tool for processing linear information. Neither of these systems express intuitive awareness. Intuition is an inner knowing of personal truth, and has no emotional or cognitive process preceding it. This can sometimes make intuition difficult to detect and to accept.
Where your inner monologue is the voice of your ego, the intuition is the voice of your soul, your monad, your essential consciousess filtering through your multi-layered energy system composed of fields and centres and channels, and entering your conscious awareness as feeling and sensing and knowing. In other words, intuition is not a 'thing' or a 'voice' it's a process, and a portal for the information from our deeper and higher levels of awareness.
Accessing Intuition
Intuition is a normal state of awareness. Intuitive information comes naturally when the energy system, psyche, and mind are clear and aligned enough with the system of awareness and soul. Intuitive information can be blocked and difficult to detect or access in many cases. Individual, family, and societal beliefs about what is 'normal' may block intuition at the mental level when the ‘rules’ do not allow for intuitive awareness, or assign negative values to intuitive knowledge such as ‘insanity’ or ‘naivety.’ In addition, when learning to feel your intuition, environments that have low vibrations can pull one out of vibrational of range from intuitive information. Internally on the individual level, low vibratory states such as fear, aggression, distrust, jealousy, aggravation… for examplem a scattered mind, emotional blocks, and using consciousness rather than awareness states of being also block the natural influx of intuitive information. Spiritual trauma and soul records of soul fragment loss also block intuitive awareness because such traumas interrupt the system of coherence of the individuation as a whole.
Recovering Intuitive Ability
A very good and potent first step to receiving intuition is simply to meditate internally on the request to do so. From a relaxed and calm mental and emotional state (an easy way to achieve this state is to notice when you are relaxed in the shower) and make a statement internally to connect with and awaken your intuition. Following this, pay attention to incoming opportunities and information that will help you to do so. Overall, accessing intuition is about internal healing and cleaner alignment with your true essence, because the intuition is the voice of your real inner being.
With Love and Care
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