Were you an Extra-Sensory Child without Knowing it?

It feels a bit like an invisible wave washing over the body, like an x-ray, painting you from the inside with somebody else’s energy pattern.

You may have had some of these experiences as a child, and not realised that you were in fact having extra-sensory perception experiences. This can raise feelings of alarm, since the sudden change in emotion and general state can be very confusing. It may also have been very overwhelming, to be a child suddenly feeling the complex emotional constellation of an adult, without any context or warning.

There is nothing to worry about, only some things to organise…

Extra-sensory perception is the awareness of energy that is beyond the physical/materialised world. In other words, Extra-sensory perception is subtle planes awareness.

It is most often the physical health states, the emotional states, and mental states that are most obviously sensed.

Emotional sensitivity is often experienced clairsentiently; ie through felt body sense of the reader. This is because the emotional body follows the etheric body, and is relatively close to the physical form relative to the other auric fields. Emotional experiences can also be very intense and therefore energetically “loud” to the observer.

Those who sense the etheric body predominantly tend to later discover that they are medical intuitives. These are individuals who can extra-sensorily feel the health state of organs in the body for example. The etheric body is an energetic copy of the physical one, and often issue in the etheric body will later express as physical ailments. When a bone is broken for example, the etheric body can also break in the same location.

Mental state sensitivity is not the same as telepathy or the ability to read other people’s thoughts. The mental field is a particular frequency band (just like the etheric field and emotional body), within which there are wave patterns of mental energy (thoughts). Sensivity to mental states means the ability to feel the energetic quality of those thoughts. Depending on which sensing fields of the reader are open, the mental field information will come through as a physical sensation, a translated (indirect) thought, a knowing..for example.

Learning to manage and apply extra-sensory perception in a healthy way, it’s important to become very aware of your own internal states and energy. Once you have a relatively good handle on your inner life, it will become much more clear what is your energy and what are the signals being picked up from outside.

With love 💛

For bookings with me please see the calendar here.

If you think that you or your child might be a “Highly Sensitive Person” (one who is more aware of physical sensory input due to the sensitivity of the nervous system); you can try Dr. Elaine Aron’s online quizzes here: https://hsperson.com/test/


Healing your Intuition


Inner Child Work (Healing the Inner Child)